Get the information and support you need and want for the birth of your baby

Lydia Baker has the skillset and experience to offer the labor and birth support her clients desire and expect. She provides emotional, physical, and educational support before, during, and after a pregnancy. It is designed to inform and empower the mother to have the best experience possible.

A Doula’s role throughout the pregnancy is to provide education and support the expecting mother needs. Lydia is a knowledgeable and respected Doula with years of experience in every type of delivery; unmedicated, water birth, epidural, inductions and cesarean. She provides labor and birth services with tremendous care and attention.

The unbiased support and education that families gain from Lydia’s support means:

You will be able to communicate more effectively with your healthcare providers and advocate for yourself and the kind of birth that you want.

You and your partner will feel more relaxed and comfortable during the pregnancy and throughout the birthing process.

You will have an experienced supporter and advocate with you during the birthing process who has established relationships in the hospital.

Labor and Birth Services include:

  • 1-2 prenatal meetings

  • On Call 24/7 from date of hire until your baby is born

  • Unlimited phone and text support

  • Exceptional in-person support at home and/or at your planned birthing location

  • Peace of mind and calm presence

  • Backup Doula you can meet in case of extreme emergencies

  • Postpartum follow up at your home